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Basics of Java

Before starting the Java you must know what is Java language. So we will start with What is Java language and Basics of Java? It will clear all your doubts about why to learn java, features and how it works.
Java is a programming language and a platform. It was developed by Sun Micro-systems in 1995. Which was initiated by James Gosling and Patrick Naughton. It is one of the most used programming languages. Writing, compiling and debugging a program is easy in java. In this tutorials we will move Basics of Java to advance java.

What is Platform?

A collection of programs that help to develop and run the programs is known as a platform. The platform helps to run programs written in the Java programming language. It has a run time environment (JRE) and API, which is called a platform.

What is JAVA language Platform or Editions

Java SE (Java Standard Edition) 

This is the core platform. It contains all of the libraries and APIs that any Java programmer should learn. It includes all the core topics. APIs used to develop desktop-based applications. Software installed on your PC, a game installed on your PC is the best example of desktop-based applications.

Java EE (Java Enterprise Edition)

It is mainly used to develop web and enterprise applications. If a user wants to develop a distributed, ‘multi-tiered’, robust. It is built on the top of the Java SE platform. It is a platform that defines application program interface /standard specifications used for the development of enterprise applications. These types of applications are based on modules or components.

Java ME (Java Micro Edition)

This platform is used for mobile devices and other embedded systems. It is the most universal mobile platform in the world. It is used in phones, smartphones, set-top boxes, and printers.


It is used to develop rich Internet applications (RIAs) that can run across a wide variety of devices. It uses a light-weight user interface API. Rich Internet Applications are web applications that provide the feature and experience the same as a desktop application. They provide a better visual experience than normal web applications to the users.

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