Java Keywords

Java Keywords are also known as reserved words in JAVA. Java Keywords are predefined in JAVA and they are used for some internal process or represent some predefined actions. There are a number of Java Keywords which plays an important role. We will discuss them in a separate post. RULE: These are words not allowed … Read more

Data Types in Java

For every programming language, the data type is very important. Let’s discuss what is the data types in java. The data type specifies the type of value that can store in a variable. Variable is just a memory location to store values. Based on the data type of a variable, the operating system (OS) allocates memory … Read more

Variables in Java

In this chapter, we will discuss the variables in Java and the types of variables in java. We will see how to declare and use it. In Java, we use different variable types like static variables in java, instance variable in java, java global variable, and a local variable in java. Here is the table … Read more

Java Virtual Machine(JVM) & JVM Architecture

As we know java is a high-level programming language. Our system/machine can understand only machine level language. So, the machine can’t run the program of java directly because it’s written in a high-level language. It needs to be translated into that machine language.The java compiler translates the source code (High-level language) to byte code (Not … Read more

Difference between JRE, JDK and JVM

Before moving advanced topics we should learn about JRE, JDK, and JVM. We will discuss the difference between jdk jre and jvm? and what is jdk jre jvm?. The JDK(Java Development Kit) is a software development environment. That includes the JRE(Java Runtime Environment) and JVM(Java Virtual Machine) and some other tools that are used to … Read more

How to run Java program

Now, we will learn how can write and execute a simple JAVA program. Before the execution of any java program, you need to understand the requirements of the JAVA. After that, we will learn how to run a Java program. Whenever anyone starts the learning of java, he/she starts from the java hello world program. … Read more

JAVA features/advantage

Java is the most popular language due to its features and advantages. In this post, we will cover the best java features and java advantages. Apart from the below list, there are a number of java features that will discuss topic-wise and try to cover with real-time examples. Let’s start from here Simple The first … Read more

What is JAVA language

Before start the Java you must know what is Java language. So we will start with What is Java language? It will clear all your doubts about why to learn java, features and how it works. Java is a programming language and a platform. It was developed by Sun Micro-systems in 1995. Which was initiated by … Read more

Basics of Java

Before starting the Java you must know what is Java language. So we will start with What is Java language and Basics of Java? It will clear all your doubts about why to learn java, features and how it works. Java is a programming language and a platform. It was developed by Sun Micro-systems in 1995. … Read more