finalize() method in java

In this post, we will see what is the use of finalize() method in java. Although this post is part of garbage collection, we will discuss it with different scenarios. Here is the table content of the article will we will cover this topic. 1. What is finalize() method in java?2. What is a cleanup … Read more

getclass() method in java

In this article, we will discuss the getclass() method in java.Here is the table content of the article will we will cover this topic. 1. What is getclass() method in java?2. What is the use of getClass() method? OR Need of getclass() method? What is getclass() method in java? The getClass() method is defined in … Read more

wait() method in Java

Here we will discuss the wait() method in Java. It is the most common question in interviews. Here is the table content of the article will we will cover this topic. 1. What is the wait() method in Java?2. How does the wait() method works?3. wait(long timeoutMillis) method? What is the wait() method in Java? … Read more

Object class in Java

Most of the programmers know about the Object class in Java. But some of them want to know what’s the need for Object class was. Why it was introduced? In this article, we will discuss the Object class in Java. Here is the table content of the article will we will cover on this topic. … Read more

CopyOnWriteArrayList in java

In recent posts, we have read mutable list and immutable list in java. The immutable ArrayList in java is used in multithreading because it’s thread-safe. In this post, we will discuss another thread-safe ArrayList that is CopyOnWriteArrayList in java. Here is the table content of the article will we will cover this topic. 1. What … Read more

How to perform additional events on WordPress contact form 7 submissions. Let’s use DOM events.

Do you need to perform additional events on Contact form 7? You can easily perform additional actions after successful email sent, email failed, invalid inputs, etc. So, learn about Contact Form 7 events using DOM elements. There are following Dom Elements by Contact Form 7:wpcf7invalid – If input fields are invalid.wpcf7spam – If spam activity … Read more

Immutable Set in Java

We have learned about Set and HashSet in java. A HashSet is not thread-safe by default, if we want to use it in a multithreading environment we can use an Immutable set. In this tutorial, we will learn what is immutable Set and how to make an immutable Set. let’s understand why we need it. Here is the … Read more

Immutable List in Java

In recent posts, we have seen how to create an ArrayList in java. There are many ways to create a mutable ArrayList in java. In this tutorial, we will learn what is immutable List in Java and how to make an immutable list. Here is the table content of the article will we will cover this topic.1. What is … Read more

Difference between java iterator and for each

In this article, we will discuss the java iterator vs foreach loop. We will see the difference between for each loop and Iterator. 1. How java iterator vs foreach works Iterator: Iterator can be used only for Collection. Iterator is an abstract method of an Iterable interface. The body of iterator() method define in implemented class … Read more

Intermediate operation in Java 8

Here is the table content of the article will we will cover this topic.1. What are the intermediate operation in Java 8?2. Stream.filter()3.  Stream.sorted()5. Stream .distinct() What are the intermediate operations in Java 8? In this article, we will discuss the Intermediate operation in Java 8. By use of Stream, you can perform various … Read more