Terminal operations in java 8

Here is the table content of the article will we will cover this topic.1. What are the terminal operations in Java 8?2. forEach()3. Collect()4. reduce()5. match()6. count() What are the terminal operations in Java 8? The terminal operation doesn’t return any stream. It returns a result of a certain type. 1. The terminal operations take Stream … Read more

default method in interface

Here is the table content of the article will we will cover this topic.1. What is the default method in interface?2. The need of Default Method?3. How to achieve multiple inheritances by default methods?4. Static method in Interface? Till java 7, Interfaces could have only abstract methods. We have learned a lot of things about … Read more

Short circuit operations in Java 8

In our post, we will discuss Java 8 stream short-circuit. As we know java stream has only two types of operation one is java stream terminal operations and another is java stream intermediate operations. The short circuit operations are part of the intermediate operation and terminal operation. In this topic, we will some the operation … Read more

Stream in Java 8

Here is the table content of the article will we will cover this topic.1. What is Stream in Java?2. What is the need of Stream?3. How Does Stream work in Java?4. How to Create a Stream?5. Stream operations in java?6. Intermediate operation in Java 8?7. Terminal operations in java 8?8. Short circuit operations in Java … Read more

Java stream operations in java

Stream in java is the major concept of Java 8. In java stream operations, we have two parts of operation one is intermediate operations and terminal operations. In this post we will discuss the java stream collect, java stream foreach, stream sorted, java stream filter, java stream distinct, java stream reduce, java stream collect, stream … Read more

Lazy evaluation of stream

You must hear about Stream are lazy. What is the meaning of lazy in Java Stream? In this article, we will discuss the java lazy stream or lazy nature of Stream and how it streams works?. Here is the table content of the article will we will cover this topic.1. Eager loading or early loading?2. … Read more

Converting stream to collections and Arrays

Most programmers know about the intermediate operation and terminal operation. But only a few of them can decide what should be used to convert a stream in collection. In java stream collect method is used to java collection to list, java stream collect to array, java collector, java 8 collect. Java stream collect Here is … Read more

forEach loop in Java 8

In java foreach is introduced with the stream to iterate the stream. In this post, we will see how we can use for loop in java 8 and java stream foreach. Here is the table content of the article will we will cover this topic. 1. What is forEach() method in Java?2. Using forEach() in … Read more

Method reference in java 8

Here is the table content of the article will we will cover this topic.1. What is Method reference in java 8?2. Reference to the static method3. Reference to instance method from an instance4. Reference to instance method from class type5. Reference to constructor What is Method reference in java 8? As you know before JAVA 8, we are not … Read more

Lambda expression with the return statement

Here is the table content of the article will we will cover this topic.1. What is the return type of lambda expression? 2. without return statement?3. with return statement? What is the return type of lambda expression? As you know Lambda expression supported the Functional interface. It creates a reference for the interface and provides … Read more