getFirst() method

getFirst() method: This Java stream get First method employs to get the first element from LinkedList in Java. It returns the object. Where, E represents the type of elements in LinkedList.throws NoSuchElementException if this LinkedList is empty. Output: Element present at first position is = JAVA

getLast() method

getLast() method: This getLast java method employs to get the last element from LinkedList. It returns the object. Where, E represents the type of elements in LinkedList.It throws NoSuchElementException if this LinkedList is empty. Output: Element present at last position is = RAVI

removeFirst() method

removeFirst() method: This removefirst Java method is used to retrieve and remove the first element from LinkedList. Its return type is E. Where, E is the element which you want to remove from the LinkedList. Output: The element is removes successfully = JAVANames from list = GOALNames from list = RAVI

remove() method

remove() method: This remove in java method is used retrieve and remove the first element from LinkedList. Its return type is E. Where E is the element that you want to remove from the LinkedList.throws NoSuchElementException if this list is empty. Output: The element is removes successfully = JAVANames from list = GOALNames from list … Read more


LinkedList(): It is a default constructor of LinkedList class. It is used to create an empty LinkedList in java. It’s doesn’t provide the default capacity. Where, E represents the type of elements in LinkedList. Let say you want to create a LinkedList and add some names in LinkedList. You can create it by default constructor: Output: … Read more

Java LinkedList class

Like An ArrayList in java, LinkedList class in java is also a famous data structure. But Java LinkedList doesn’t store elements in contiguous locations like ArrayList. In Java LinkedList, each element linked with each other using pointers. In this post, we will discuss LinkedList class in java and also discuss some example using LinkedList in … Read more

retainAll(Collection c) method

retainAll(Collection c): This retainAll in Java method returns only those elements from the ArrayList which are present in the specified collection. Where c is the collection that you want to retain from the ArrayList.return type:  Its return type is boolean. It can return either true or false.If specified collection c presents in ArrayList then it … Read more

How to get index of object in arraylist java

As we know ArrayList in java works based on the index and each value stores in a unique index. There may be a situation when we want to find the index of an object. Then we can use the indexOf(Object o) and lastIndexOf(Object o). Lets see how to use java arraylist indexof() method. Here is … Read more

remove(int index)

e remove(int index): This e remove int index method in Java uses to remove the element at the specified position from ArrayList. So, It returns the element which after removing the element. Where index, the index of the element to be removed.E, the element that was removed from the list.Also, throw, IndexOutOfBoundsException if index is … Read more

How to remove element from arraylist java

We have seen how to add the element in ArrayList, Now we will see how to remove element from ArrayList java. We can use the remove() method, removeIf() method to remove the element from ArrayList. This method is overloaded to perform multiple operations based on different parameters. Here is the table content of the article … Read more