Collection in java

In this post, we will read the most important part of java which is the java collection framework, and see all the collection in java. In the java collections tutorial, we will cover the collection hierarchy in java and collection in java with examples. Here is the table content of the article will we will … Read more

Control structures in Java

A program is a list of instructions or blocks of instructions. Java provides Control structures that can change the path of execution and control the execution of instructions. In this post, we will discuss the Control structures in programming language. Here is the table content of the article.Three kinds of control structures in Java?1. Control … Read more

Chained exception in java

If you want to relate one exception with another exception, then it is Chained Exceptions in java. By mean of relationships, you can describe one exception is the coming cause of another exception. It provides a better understanding to resolve any problem. Java supports chained exceptions by using constructors and methods. In java Throwable class … Read more

User defined exception in java

Here is the table content of the article will we will cover this topic.1. What is User-defined exception or Custom Exception in Java?2. What are the rules to create?3. What is the need of custom exceptions? What is User-defined exception or Custom Exception in Java? We have seen what are the exception in java and … Read more

throw and throws keyword in java

In this post, we will discuss throw and throws keyword in java. In java throw and throws keywords are important keywords for interview questions. Here is the table content of the article.1. What is throw keyword in java?2. What is throws keyword in java?3. Difference between throw and throws in java? throw keyword in java The throw … Read more

finally block in java

We have learned about try block and catch block in java. In this topic, we will read what is finally block in java and how to finally keyword in java. Let’s discuss the try catch finally java in the example Here is the table content of the article will we will cover this topic.1. What … Read more

try and catch java block

In this post, we will learn how we can use the try and catch block in java. Let’s discuss the try-catch exception with an example. Here is the table content of the article.1. What is try and catch block?2. The important thing about try-catch?3. try block with multiple catches?4. Multiple catch blocks in java? What … Read more

Exception handling in java

Exception in java is one of the important topics because every programmer uses this concept to control the execution of the program if anything unexcepted happens. In this post, we will understand the concept of exception handling in java and see what is the meaning of exception handling. Here is the table content of the … Read more

What is a mutable string

In a recent topic, we have seen what is an immutable string in java and Why string is immutable in java? If you are a beginner, you must read the immutable string first. In this post, we will see what is a mutable string in java and how to create a mutable string. Here is … Read more

Important methods of StringBuffer

1. append() method: This StringBuffer Java method is used to append the given text in a string. StringBuffer class has various forms of this method we will discuss it later. Output: Name of Student = Ravikant 2. insert() method: This StringBuffer java method is used to insert the given text in the string at a given … Read more