Daemon thread in java

In java, we have learned many things about the multithreading in recent posts. There are two types of threads, user thread and daemon thread.  We have already discussed the user thread in separate posts. In this post, we will learn what is daemon thread in java and what is the use of Java daemon thread. … Read more

Thread life cycle in java

In a recent post, we have seen what is the thread in java and thread creation in java. Let’s understand the Thread Life Cycle in Java and Thread State in java. If you want to learn multithreading in java, you must know about the life cycle of threads in os. We will explain the thread life cycle … Read more

Thread class in java

the Thread class in java is the most important part of multithreading. We can create a thread in two ways whether to use the Thread class or the Runnable interface. In this post, we will see what is Thread class in java and how it is useful in multithreading? Here is the table content of … Read more

Multithreading in Java

Multithreading in java is the most important topic in java. In this post, we will discuss the Multithreading in java example, and we will try to cover the real time example of multithreading in java.   Here is the table content of the article will we will cover this topic. 1. Process and Thread in java?2. … Read more

Nested classes in Java

Java nested class and java inner class is the one of most confusing and important topics. Firstly, I want to tell Java nested class and java inner class are not the same concept, most programmers misunderstood them. In Java, inner classes are part of nested classes. Most programmers know about nested class in java, but … Read more

import in java

The most common keyword used in java programs is the import keyword. The import in java is directly connected to the package in java. If you are a beginner and you don’t know about the package in java and access of the package, then we would recommend you please read the package in java first. … Read more

Super keyword in Java

We already had a discussion on some keywords like the final keyword in java, static keyword in java, this keyword in java, etc. In this post, we will discuss the super keyword and the use of super keyword in java.  In java super keyword is used to refer to the object of the immediate parent … Read more

this keyword in java

Java has a lot of keywords like static keyword in java, final keyword in java, this keyword in java, super keyword in java, etc. In this post, we will discuss the “this” keyword in java and the use of “this” keyword in java. this keyword is a reference variable that refers to the current object … Read more

static keyword in java

The static keyword in java is the most important part of the java. I think it is the most common question that asks in interviews and most of the programmer still confused in the static keyword.The static keyword can be used as a static variable, static method, static block, and static class. To understand the … Read more

final class in Java

In Java, the final keyword can be used with a variable, method, or class. We have already discussed the final variable and final method in java. In this post, we will discuss what is a final class, and how to use it. What is the need for the final class in java? Here is the … Read more