Java 10 Features

Java 10 was released on March 20, 2018, The JDK 10 is an implementation of JAVA SE 10. As we know, Java is slow in growth and evolution as compared to other languages.  But Java 10 was quick to release after Java 9. With this release, the six-month release cycle has begun. You must think … Read more

Immutable collection in java

Immutable collection in java is the most important topic and it is often asked in interview questions. In this post, we will discuss immutable classes, immutable collections and how many ways to create an immutable collection. An object is considered immutable if its state can’t change after it is constructed. Before moving further, we should know the … Read more

Local Variable Type Inference (Java var)

Java 10 introduced a new feature called local variable type inference. In this post, we will discuss the Local variable type inference.  This feature allows defining a variable using var and without specifying its type of it. A local variable can define by the use of the var keyword in java. In Java var is … Read more

Fibonacci series in java

In this post, we will see how to print the Fibonacci series in java and the Fibonacci series using recursion in java. It is the most common program for interviews. Now this question has two parts. The interviewer can simply ask to write a Java program to print the Fibonacci series up to a given … Read more

Best books to learn java

Hi everyone, Here I will tell you the java best book. If you want to learn java online, then you should prefer But if you want to learn offline then we will suggest java best books for beginners. Everyone wants to know the best books to learn java, because they don’t want to waste … Read more

What is method in java

A method is a block of code that can perform certain actions as per requirement. In java, almost all operations are performed within a method. In this post, we will learn What is method in java, types of method, define method in java, how to create method in java and Calling methods in java. Here … Read more

Concurrentmodificationexception in java

In Java, concurrentmodificationexception is one of the common problems that programmer faces while programmer works on Collections in java. In this post, we will see why we encountered this exception and how to resolve concurrent modification exception in java. Here is the table content of the article we will cover these topics. What is concurrentmodificationexception … Read more

Java interview questions for freshers

In this post, we will discuss the most important java interview questions for freshers. Most of the developer also search it as: java interview questions for freshers, java interview questions and answers for freshers, core java interview questions, java basic interview questions, core java interview questions for experienced, basic java questions, core java interview questions … Read more

Java 9 features

After the Java 8 release, Java 9 features release some major changes and improve many things. The biggest change is modular JDK in Java 9. In this post, we will see all Java 9 features. Java 9 immutable collections improvement Java 9 provides factory methods to create an immutable collection in java. These Factory Methods … Read more

Jshell java 9

JShell is an interactive tool that was introduced in java 9. JShell is also known as REPL stands for READ EVAL PRINT LOOP. In this article, we will look into JShell basics and how to run some programs in Jshell. 1. By using JShell, we can test the Java code without compiling using JAVAC. The JShell … Read more