StringJoiner in java

StringJoiner in java is introduced in java 8 and it is a final class that exists in java.util package. The StringJoiner class provides an easy way to create a String by joining the multiple strings by a delimiter. We can also provide prefix and suffix to the string. The prefix and suffix are optionally, and we … Read more

Builder design pattern in java

Builder design pattern in java is used to create a complex object. It is also part of a creational design pattern like an abstract factory design pattern. If you haven’t read the builder design pattern in java yet, then you should read it first. abstract factory design pattern Here is the table content of the … Read more

Abstract Factory Design Pattern

The Abstract Factory design pattern is also part of the Creational pattern like the Factory design pattern. If you are not familiar with the Factory design pattern? Then you should read it first because the Abstract Factory pattern is almost similar to the Factory Pattern, and it just adds an abstraction layer over the factory pattern. … Read more

Factory design pattern

Factory Design Pattern is part of a creational design pattern like a singleton design pattern. These patterns provide one of the best ways to create an object. Here we will learn about it and see why it is useful to develop a project. It is widely used in JDK as well as frameworks like Spring … Read more

Singleton design pattern

Singleton pattern is part of the design pattern in java that is categorized in creational design patterns. In this post, we will read about singleton design pattern and what is the use of singleton class in java. The implementation of the Java Singleton pattern seems easy, but it is one of the most difficult topics in … Read more

Synchronization in java

In this post, we will learn synchronization in java, and why we need Java synchronization, how to write synchronized code and more important points about synchronization. Here is the table content of the article will we will cover this topic.1. Synchronization in java?2. Why do we use Synchronization in Java?3. Locks in Java?4. Types of … Read more

Immutable class in java

Immutable objects are those objects that can’t change after creation. We can’t modify the state of an immutable object and if we try to modify it then it creates a new object. In Java, all the wrapper classes (like Integer, Boolean, Byte, and Short) and the String class are immutable. In this post, we will learn what … Read more

Wrapper class in java

Java has two types of data types primitive data types and non-primitive data types. The Wrapper class is considered in non-primitive data types. But it was introduced to support the primitive data type. In this post, we will see what is wrapper class? and what is the use of wrapper class? Here is the table … Read more

enum in java

The enum in java is a special type of data types like Class and Interface. A Java enum is used to define collections of constants. It is also known as enumeration java. By the use of an enum, we can define a group of constants with all possible values at compile time. We can change … Read more

Concurrent collections in java

If you are a beginner then read the collection framework and then move further. Because this post is directly related to collections of java. We have discussed all the collection classes and interface in recent posts. Concurrent collections in java are designed and optimized specifically for synchronized multithreaded access. These are the thread safe collections, … Read more