If you are on this post, seems like you are interested in code smells and their importance in software development. To achieve code refactoring of any project it’s mandatory to understand code smell meaning. I will share all the details with a code smell examples.

Code Smells
The code smells are indicators in code that indicate potential problems or areas for improvement. They are not bugs, they are certain patterns or characteristics of the code. During the refactoring they can addressed, easy to spot, and fix. If we don’t fix them, they can make the code harder to maintain, understand, and extend.
You must be thinking then what’s the meaning of code smell? How can code “smell”? The term “smell” indicates that it might not be an immediate issue, but it can lead to more significant problems in the future.
> Bloaters > Object-Orientation Abusers > Change Preventers > Dispensables > Couplers
Code bloater refers to code that is unnecessarily large and hard to work with. Bloaters can be blocks of code, methods, and classes that have increased to such large and complex proportions. Code bloaters occur due to different reasons that will be part of this discussion. If we don’t resolve or eliminate the code bloaters, they accumulate over time as the program evolves. Let’s discuss the code bloaters and see how to eliminate them from the code.
- Long Method
- Large Class
- Primitive Obsession
- Long Parameter List
- Data Clumps