Java is the most popular language due to its features and advantages. In this post, we will cover the best java features and java advantages. Apart from the below list, there are a number of java features that will discuss topic-wise and try to cover with real-time examples. Let’s start from here
The first JAVA features or java advantages is, Java is a simple language and easy to learn because JAVA does not have Operator overloading, pointers, Explicit memory allocation, Multiple inheritance, and hybrid inheritance. As you know pointers are a complex topic for programmers and JAVA doesn’t provide it so that’s an advantage for programmers.
JAVA is best for security. We can develop a virus-free application in JAVA. The reason behind secure:
- JAVA doesn’t have pointers. We can access out of a bound array.
- JAVA has Authentication techniques like key encryption.
- JAVA always runs its own environment.

Java is an object-oriented programming language (OOP). It means in java everything is an object. If any language is Object-oriented means we can maintain our application/software in different types of object. We can divide our code in methodology and that will help in the software development process.
Basic concepts of oops:
1. Class
2. Object
3. Polymorphism
4. Inheritance
5. Encapsulation
6. Abstraction
We will discuss these in later chapters.
Platform independent
JAVA is a platform-independent language unlike other languages like C, C++, etc. Because C and C++ are platform-dependent languages.
What is the meaning of platform-dependent: If you are compiling a program of C++ in Window (Operating system) then you can’t run it on another operating system like MAC, LINUX, etc. That’s why we are calling C++ is a dependent language. Java is an independent language because we can write once, run anywhere language. Java code converted into bytecode by a compiler. This bytecode is a platform-independent code it can be run on multiple platforms, i.e., Write Once and Run Anywhere (WORA).
As you know JAVA is Platform independent so you can carry you JAVA byte code and run it on any platform. JAVA code that is written on one machine can run on another machine.
Architecture neutral
JAVA is architecture-neutral because it is not dependent on implementation. It means if you are implementing or writing any piece of code then it will take same memory at different architecture. For example, in JAVA the size of primitive types is fixed. If you are creating an int data type variable then it will take 2 bytes whether you run it on 32-bit or 64-bit. But C programming, int data type occupies 2 bytes of memory for 32-bit architecture and 4 bytes of memory for 64-bit architecture.
If a programming language tries to eliminate errors and provides better security to handle different types of situations. It means it is a Robust (Strong) language. All these points make Java robust:
1. JAVA provides better security because it avoids pointers.
2. JAVA uses strong memory management.
3. JAVA provides garbage collection which runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and destroys objects which are not being used by a Java application anymore.
4. JAVA provides exception handling and the type checking mechanism in Java.
By using JAVA users can create distributed applications in Java. RMI and EJB are used for creating distributed applications. Users can access files by calling the methods from any machine on the internet.
Java has the capability to deal with many tasks at the same time by using multithreading. A thread is a separate task. We can create multiple tasks and run concurrently. It is used for maximum utilization of CPU.
Java is a dynamic language because classes of java are loaded on demand. It also supports the functions of native languages. Some methods are written in c and c++ and those methods are called native methods.
website is awesome..! Great source for students and also developers… keep it up..
Portable———-you can carry you JAVA byte code…. maybe it should be (you can carry your byte code…)
Nice Content but i think you should explain how bytecode can run in different platforms and how other language like c and c++ are platform dependent with the help of a small diagram.. because as a Beginners it’s hard to understand