In this post, we learn about the static block. You must have seen various use of static keyword in java. We have already posted the static variable and static method. So, let’s introduce another interesting topic which is Static Block In Java.
Here is the table content of the article will we will cover this topic.
1. What is the static block in java?
2. How to create a static block?
3. How do the multiple static blocks?
4. Static block and method main?
5. Static block and constructor?
6. Static block and instance block (Non-static block)?
i) When it will get executed?
ii) What keyword should be used?
iii) Which type of data can be used?
7. Use of static block in real-time?
i) Perform operation during class loading?
ii) Use to initialize the static final variable?

What is the static block in java OR java static initializer block?
In Java, we can use the static keyword with a block of code that is known as a static block. A static block can have several instructions that always run when a class is loaded into memory. It is also known as java static initializer block because we can initialize the static variables in the static block at runtime. A class can have any number of static blocks, The JVM executes them in the sequence in which they have been written. The static block in a program is always executed first before any static method, non-static method, main method, or even instance block. Suppose we want to perform some operations at the time of class loading then we should use the static block.
NOTE: The static block always executes only one time when a class is loaded into memory.
How to create a static block?
To create a static block in java we need to use the static keyword with the block. We can create a static block only at the class level. We can’t create a static block inside a method or constructor.
It creates with a keyword “static” and uses the curly braces “{“ to start and end “}” the block.
static { // Body of static block }
Where static is a keyword that is used to create a static block.
and Body of static block – The static block can contain only those code that belongs to static. It means we can’t use any non-static code here. In a static block, we can initiate the values of the static block and we can also invoke the static method. Because the static method is bound to the class instead of the object. You can read “How static method binds with class”.
public class MainClass { static int b; public static void show() { System.out.println("Static method"); } static { b = 5; show(); } public static void main(String arg[]) { System.out.println("Main method"); } }
Output: Static method
Main method
How to use the multiple static blocks?
A class can have any number of static blocks that will execute when the class is loaded in memory. Now the question arises what is the sequence of execution? Which method will be executed first?
The sequence of execution depends on the sequence as written in the program. The JVM will execute each static block one by one, which means the first static block executes before the second static block and so on. There is a reason behind executing them one by one or in sequence. Because we can initialize a static variable in the first block and override it in the second block.
public class MainClass { static int b; public static void show() { System.out.println("Static method"); } static { b = 5; System.out.println("Value of b : " + b); show(); } static { b = 10; System.out.println("Value of b : " + b); } public static void main(String arg[]) { System.out.println("Main method"); } }
Output: Value of b : 5
Static method
Value of b : 10
Main method
Static block and method main
The main method of a class is the entry point of execution. After the competition of class loading, JVM starts the execution from the main method. But a static block is a block of code that runs only once when a class is loaded into memory. It is also called a static initialization block because it is used to initialize the variables at run time.
So, when the JVM loads the class into memory it executes the static block. Because static doesn’t depend on the object creation of the class. But the main method always executes after the complete loading of the class. Let’s see it with an example.
public class MainClass { static int a = 5; static { a = a+5; System.out.println("Value of a : "+ a); System.out.println("Executing static block"); } public static void main(String arg[]) { System.out.println("Value of a : "+ a); System.out.println("Executing Main method"); } }
Output: Value of a : 10
Executing static block
Value of a : 10
Executing Main method
Static block and constructor
Whenever we create an object of the class by use of a new keyword the JVM calls a constructor. A constructor is used to invoke non-static variables and methods of the class. JVM invokes a constructor after the completion of class loading. On another hand, static block executes at the time of class loading. It means JVM will run a static block first, and after that, it will move to constructors.
Let’s take an example of a constructor and static block together. Here we will create a static block and a constructor that will print some data. Let’s see how JVM handles these things during the execution.
public class MainClass { static int a = 5; static { a = a+5; System.out.println("Value of a : "+ a); System.out.println("Executing static block"); } MainClass() { System.out.println("Executing Constrcutor"); } public static void main(String arg[]) { System.out.println("Executing Main method"); } }
Output: Value of a : 10
Executing static block
Executing Main method
Static block and instance block (Non-static block)
A class can have static blocks and non-static blocks(Instance blocks). Both sections execute before the constructor. But both have different purposes and execution times. Let’s discuss it in detail.
When it will get executed?
The static block executes at class loading time because it can contain only static data that binds with the class. So, there is no dependency on object creation.
But the non-static block(Instance block) executes when the object is created. Because it can have non-static members that bind with the object. A non-static block always runs after the static block.
NOTE: A non-static block doesn’t get executed if we will not create an object. It gets invoked only when an object created by JVM.
public class MainClass { static int a = 5; static { System.out.println("Executing static block"); } { System.out.println("Executing non-static block"); } MainClass() { System.out.println("Executing Constrcutor"); } public static void main(String arg[]) { System.out.println("Executing Main method"); } }
Output: Executing static block
Executing Main method
You have seen in the above example, the non-static block is not get executed. The JVM always invokes a non-static block when it executes the constructor of the class. We haven’t provided any constructor in the above example.
Let’s see how JVM executes it when we create a constructor of the class.
public class MainClass { static { System.out.println("Executing static block"); } { System.out.println("Executing non-static block"); } MainClass() { System.out.println("Executing Constructor"); } public static void main(String arg[]) { MainClass obj = new MainClass(); System.out.println("Executing Main method"); } }
Output: Executing static block
Executing non-static block
Executing Constructor
Executing Main method
What keyword should be used?
To create a static block we must use the static keyword. The static keyword is prefixed before the start of the block. On another hand, we don’t need any keyword to create a non-static (Instance block).
Which type of data can be used?
A static block can access any static variables or invokes static methods. But we can use any non-static variable or invokes any non-static methods.
A non-static block(Instance block) can access non-static and static variables as well. We can invoke any method whether it is static or non-static.
Use of static block in real-time?
There are a number of scenarios when we should use the static block. We will discuss that one by one. After that, we can easily decide when to use the static block or not.
Perform operation during class loading
A static block is used to perform operations during class loading. You can perform operations that you want to do before the constructor. You can initialize the static variable or invokes static methods in the static block.
We can take an example of our JDK. Here we have class “Class” that is using static block to call a method registerNatives(). This method performs some necessary operations during the loading of classes.
Let’s take another example. The static block can be used to initialize static variables. Now you are thinking we can initialize the static variable during the declaration. But there may be a chance when the static variable is too complicated to be set up with a one-line declaration.
Scenario 1: There may be a case when the initialization of the static variable is depending upon other operations.
Suppose you want to set up resources for the loading of classes. So that resources will be available after the completion of class loading. You can make a static variable of that resource, so that it can access directly by class name and common for all the objects.
Suppose you want to load some drivers during class loading or maybe you want to create the connection of JDBC.
public class StaticBlockExample { public static String connetion; public static String loadDriver; static { System.out.println("Creating connection and loading the driver"); connetion = CreateConnection(); loadDriver = LoadDriver(); } static String CreateConnection() { // Code to create a connection return "SQLConnection"; } static String LoadDriver() { // Code to load the drivers return "LoadDriver"; } public static void main(String arg[]) { System.out.println("Using the connection and driver"); System.out.println("Is connection ready :"+ connetion); System.out.println("Is driver loaded :"+ loadDriver); } }
Output: Creating connection and loading the driver
Using the connection and driver
Is connection ready :SQLConnection
Is driver loaded :LoadDriver
Scenario 2: Sometimes a class has static variables that have complex initialization and that can’t be covered in a single line.
To make our code in more readable form we should use a static block to initialize them. Suppose we want to declare and initialize a static HashSet and HashMap. If we declare it in a single line, it looks complex.
public static Map<Integer, String> hashMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>() {{ put(1, "One"); put(2, "Two"); put(3, "Three"); }}; public static Set<String> hashSet = new HashSet<String>() {{ add("a"); add("b"); add("c"); }};
We can use the static block to make the code readable and initialize the static variable.
public class StaticBlockExample { public static Map<Integer, String> hashMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); public static Set<String> hashSet = new HashSet<String>(); static { hashMap.put(1, "One"); hashMap.put(2, "Two"); hashMap.put(3, "Three"); hashSet.add("a"); hashSet.add("b"); hashSet.add("c"); } public static void main(String arg[]) { StaticBlockExample obj = new StaticBlockExample(); System.out.println("HashMap values : "+ hashMap); System.out.println("HashSet values : "+ hashSet); System.out.println("Executing Main method"); } }
Output: HashMap values : {1=One, 2=Two, 3=Three}
HashSet values : [a, b, c]
Executing Main method
Use to initialize the static final variable
You can initialize a final variable in a static block, but it should be static also. But static final variables can’t be assigned value in the constructor. So, they must be assigned a value with their declaration.
1. If you are not initializing a static final variable during the declaration(blank static final variable) then it must be initialized in a static block otherwise compiler throws an exception at compile time.
2. A static final blank variable can’t be initialized in the constructor. It must be initialized in a static block.
public class Person { String name; String address; static final String COUNTRYNAME; static { COUNTRYNAME = "India"; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getAddress() { return address; } public void setAddress(String address) { this.address = address; } void showData(Person person) { System.out.println("Name of Person : " + person.getName()); System.out.println("Address of person : " + person.getAddress()); System.out.println("Country of person : "+ person.COUNTRYNAME); } public static void main(String arg[]) { Person person1 = new Person(); person1.setName("Ram"); person1.setAddress("India"); person1.showData(person1); Person person2 = new Person(); person2.setName("John"); person2.setAddress("USA"); person2.showData(person2); } }
Output: Name of Person : Ram
Address of person : India
Country of person : India
Name of Person : John
Address of person : USA
Country of person : India
Excellent explanation, deserves clap, crystal clear.